
Google Ads Display Certification Assessment Questions&Answers

Exam Name: Google ads display certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take a retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Google ads display certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take a retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for which practice would violate Google’s editorial and professional requirements? Which practice would violate Google’s editorial and professional requirements? Showing a Valuetrack tag in the text ✅ Including a question mark ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which practice would violate Google’s editorial and professional requirements? Which practice would violate Google’s editorial and professional requirements? Showing a Valuetrack tag in the text ✅ Including a question mark Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which allows advertisers to see which sites referred visitors with the most time spent on site? Which allows advertisers to see which sites referred visitors with the most time spent ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which allows advertisers to see which sites referred visitors with the most time spent on site? Which allows advertisers to see which sites referred visitors with the most time spent Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for you’d like to show your ads to customers who live in a specific region or country and speak German. Which targeting method can you use? You’d like to show your ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you’d like to show your ads to customers who live in a specific region or country and speak German. Which targeting method can you use? You’d like to show your Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what does remarketing allow you to do? What does remarketing allow you to do? See how many people bought your product after seeing the ad Send client emails Reconnect with ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what does remarketing allow you to do? What does remarketing allow you to do? See how many people bought your product after seeing the ad Send client emails Reconnect with Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for when competing for the same ad unit, if the ad rank of a cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), placement-targeted ad is higher than the combined ad rank When competing for the same ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when competing for the same ad unit, if the ad rank of a cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), placement-targeted ad is higher than the combined ad rank When competing for the same Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for in your next campaign you’d like to show images of your products in your ads. What campaign type do you choose? In your next campaign you’d like to show images ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in your next campaign you’d like to show images of your products in your ads. What campaign type do you choose? In your next campaign you’d like to show images Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for someone browsing the internet sees Google AdWords display ad for laptop computers on a Google display network site, but does not click on it. Someone browsing the internet sees Google ...

Below is the answer and explanation for someone browsing the internet sees Google AdWords display ad for laptop computers on a Google display network site, but does not click on it. Someone browsing the internet sees Google Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for your budget is $500 a month, your goal is to drive visits to your site, and your average sale price is around $10. Which bidding strategy is best for you? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your budget is $500 a month, your goal is to drive visits to your site, and your average sale price is around $10. Which bidding strategy is best for you? Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which best practice is advisable when optimizing ad groups within a placement-targeted display campaign? Which best practice is advisable when optimizing ad groups within a placement-targeted display campaign? For each ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which best practice is advisable when optimizing ad groups within a placement-targeted display campaign? Which best practice is advisable when optimizing ad groups within a placement-targeted display campaign? For each Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for frequency capping limits the number of times Frequency capping limits the number of times Your ads appear to the same person on the search network Your ads appear to the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for frequency capping limits the number of times Frequency capping limits the number of times Your ads appear to the same person on the search network Your ads appear to the Read article