
Google Ads Display Certification Assessment Questions&Answers

Exam Name: Google ads display certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take a retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Google ads display certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take a retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for when should you use responsive display ads? When should you use responsive display ads? When your ads will only be run in banner-eligible slots. When your primary goal is to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when should you use responsive display ads? When should you use responsive display ads? When your ads will only be run in banner-eligible slots. When your primary goal is to Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s provided by responsive display ads? Reach, scale, control. Complete creative control and simplicity. Reach, simplicity, automation. ✅ Complete creative control and reach. Correct Answer Reach, simplicity, automation. ✅ Explanation ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s provided by responsive display ads? Reach, scale, control. Complete creative control and simplicity. Reach, simplicity, automation. ✅ Complete creative control and reach. Correct Answer Reach, simplicity, automation. ✅ Explanation Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s one benefit of using responsive display ads? What’s one benefit of using responsive display ads? They can be uploaded. They can run on native inventory. ✅ They can meet ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s one benefit of using responsive display ads? What’s one benefit of using responsive display ads? They can be uploaded. They can run on native inventory. ✅ They can meet Read article

Below is the answer and explanation what’s an advantage of the reach of responsive display Ads? What’s an advantage of the reach of responsive display ads? They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to ...

Below is the answer and explanation what’s an advantage of the reach of responsive display Ads? What’s an advantage of the reach of responsive display ads? They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what is one way that Performance Planner helps businesses increase sales? What is one way that Performance Planner helps businesses increase sales? By maximizing the number of conversions for a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is one way that Performance Planner helps businesses increase sales? What is one way that Performance Planner helps businesses increase sales? By maximizing the number of conversions for a Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what does a Responsive Display Ad use in its machine-learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for your ad slot? What does a Responsive Display Ad use in ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what does a Responsive Display Ad use in its machine-learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for your ad slot? What does a Responsive Display Ad use in Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for Susan doesn’t have time to create display ads herself. She hopes to use a Smart Display campaign to automatically generate ads. Which two building blocks must Susan supply in order ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Susan doesn’t have time to create display ads herself. She hopes to use a Smart Display campaign to automatically generate ads. Which two building blocks must Susan supply in order Read article

Below is the answer for Steve wants to use Google Display Ads to reach new customers who are looking to purchase products similar to his. Which audience type should Steve try to reach to meet his marketing ...

Below is the answer for Steve wants to use Google Display Ads to reach new customers who are looking to purchase products similar to his. Which audience type should Steve try to reach to meet his marketing Read article

Below is the answer for Simon’s using a Google smart display campaign to build out his ads. What benefit do Google Smart Display campaigns give Simon? Simon’s using a Google Smart Display campaign to build out his ...

Below is the answer for Simon’s using a Google smart display campaign to build out his ads. What benefit do Google Smart Display campaigns give Simon? Simon’s using a Google Smart Display campaign to build out his Read article

Below is the answer for Quinn recently launched a display campaign for his women’s clothing store. Since the launch, his website traffic has increased, but sales have remained flat. Which story shows Quinn using remarketing to drive ...

Below is the answer for Quinn recently launched a display campaign for his women’s clothing store. Since the launch, his website traffic has increased, but sales have remained flat. Which story shows Quinn using remarketing to drive Read article