
Google Ads App Certification Assessment Questions&Answers

Exam Name: Google Ads Apps Certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 70%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Google Ads Apps Certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 70%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for Kyle’s making an HTML5 asset to add to his portfolio of other asset types. According to HTML5 best practices, when should the name of his app and a visible call-to-action ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Kyle’s making an HTML5 asset to add to his portfolio of other asset types. According to HTML5 best practices, when should the name of his app and a visible call-to-action Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for match the following building blocks of Google app campaigns with their descriptions. Match the following building blocks of Google app campaigns with their descriptions. Ad groups – A set of ...

Below is the answer and explanation for match the following building blocks of Google app campaigns with their descriptions. Match the following building blocks of Google app campaigns with their descriptions. Ad groups – A set of Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for Brian’s in the process of adding text assets to his first ad group in a Google app campaign. What should Brian include in the headline field of his text assets? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Brian’s in the process of adding text assets to his first ad group in a Google app campaign. What should Brian include in the headline field of his text assets? Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google app campaign, powered by machine learning? What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google app campaign, powered by machine learning? What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for Felix is measuring view-through conversions (VTCs) with another network, and he’s been advised to measure VTCs with Google too. Why should Felix measure VTCs with Google, in addition to the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Felix is measuring view-through conversions (VTCs) with another network, and he’s been advised to measure VTCs with Google too. Why should Felix measure VTCs with Google, in addition to the Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for why should Google follow the viewability standards set by the US Media Rating council (MRC)? Why should Google follow the viewability standards set by the US Media Rating council (MRC)? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for why should Google follow the viewability standards set by the US Media Rating council (MRC)? Why should Google follow the viewability standards set by the US Media Rating council (MRC)? Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two reasons advertisers should consider engagement when marketing apps? What are two reasons advertisers should consider engagement when marketing apps? Apps can be accidentally uninstalled. Users who haven’t ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two reasons advertisers should consider engagement when marketing apps? What are two reasons advertisers should consider engagement when marketing apps? Apps can be accidentally uninstalled. Users who haven’t Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web? which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web? Mobile web generates conversion rates three ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web? which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web? Mobile web generates conversion rates three Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for William is an online marketing manager at an advertising agency. As William learns more about machine learning, he wants to clarify the value he still adds for his clients. What ...

Below is the answer and explanation for William is an online marketing manager at an advertising agency. As William learns more about machine learning, he wants to clarify the value he still adds for his clients. What Read article

Below s the answer and explanation for Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand pharma unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google app campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been ...

Below s the answer and explanation for Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand pharma unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google app campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been Read article