As an advertiser, creating your first text ad in Google Ads is a simple five-step process. Arrange the five steps in order, with the first step on top
Below is the answer and explanation for as an advertiser, creating your first text ad in Google ads is a simple five-step process. Arrange the five steps in order, with the first step on top.
As an advertiser, creating your first text ad in Google ads is a simple five-step process. Arrange the five steps in order, with the first step on top.
- First step: Sign in to the Google ads account where you wish to make the text ad.
- Second Step: In the page menu on the left of the screen, select ads & extensions.
- Third Step: Choose the + button, and then select text ad from the available options.
- Fourth Step: Enter the headlines, URL, and description lines you wish to use.
- Fifth Step: Ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines, and press save ad.
Given above is the answer and explanation for the question as an advertiser, creating your first text ad in Google ads is a simple five-step process. Arrange the five steps in order, with the first step on top.
Read all the Google ads search certification answers.
Learn more about google ads search certification: Google ads search Skillshop.
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