
You’ve been researching XYZ Inc., and you discover that someone at the company has viewed your pricing page, so you give them a call. You talk to the receptionist, Johnny. You ask who in the company might be investigating your solution. Johnny says he doesn’t know for sure but that he can ask around and get back to you. He also says that Mariah Opensky would probably be the person to make that decision, but she’s currently on vacation. What’s the BEST way to record this in the CRM?

Below is the answer and explanation for you’ve been researching XYZ Inc., and you discover that someone at the company has viewed your pricing page, so you give them a call. You talk to the receptionist, Johnny. You ask who in the company might be investigating your solution. Johnny says he doesn’t know for sure but that he can ask around and get back to you. He also says that Mariah open sky would probably be the person to make that decision, but she’s currently on vacation. What’s the best way to record this in the CRM?

You’ve been researching XYZ Inc., and you discover that someone at the company has viewed your pricing page, so you give them a call. You talk to the receptionist, Johnny. You ask who in the company might be investigating your solution. Johnny says he doesn’t know for sure but that he can ask around and get back to you. He also says that Mariah open sky would probably be the person to make that decision, but she’s currently on vacation. What’s the best way to record this in the CRM?

  • Add a note to XYZ Inc.’s company record describing the call, but don’t add any contacts until you know for sure who was viewing your pricing page.
  • Add Johnny as a contact because he’s who you talked to, and associate him with XYZ Inc.’s company record. Mention Mariah in a note, but don’t add her as a contact because you haven’t contacted her yet.
  • Add Mariah as a contact because she’s the decision maker, and associate her with XYZ Inc.’s company record. Mention Johnny in a note on the company record, but don’t add him as a contact because he isn’t a decision maker.
  • Add Johnny and Mariah as contacts, and associate them both with XYZ Inc. ✅

Correct answer

Add Johnny and Mariah as contacts, and associate them both with XYZ Inc. ✅

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